Wednesday, March 26, 2014


stuff. somewhere in life we are told to grab it, get it, gather it. so i dutifully obeyed. by the time i was 30 i lived in my big dreamhome in the mountains and oh was it full of stuff. but oddly enough...the stuff didn't bring happiness, contentment, peace or joy. it just left us wanting for more. so we built more rooms onto our dreamhouse, then filled those new rooms with more stuff. then we got divorced (leaving out just a few details there :)). now this weekend i'm moving into a one bedroom apartment with my daughters, and to do this we need to get rid of more of the stuff i've spent my lifetime grabbing. and oddly enough, this feels really good. it doesn't make any sense and it goes against everything society tells us (seriously, where can you find that it's cool for a 40-something to live in a tiny apartment in the 'success' books?!) but oh my. i feel so happy. and content. and peaceful. and joyful. and i think it has a lot to do with saying goodbye to...the stuff.

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