Monday, March 16, 2015

Speed Dating 101

So I ventured into the world of Speed Dating this weekend, a frenzied evening of making eternal judgments on people after 5 minutes of chit chat then circling yes or no on a piece of paper after those meaningful moments to determine the fate of potential soul mate relationships. I did it more for a study of people and writing fodder (little did they know they would be my blog muse victims, haha) than to find true love, but you know, one must stay open to the possibilities, right? It was a Now That I'm Single Again bucket list item that I've been wanting to check off. And guess what?! I found the love of my life!! OK not really. But in 3 hours I did spend 5 engaging minutes with over 35 single men in Denver ages 35 to 55, some handsome, some not, some interesting, some not, some odd, quirky, charming, funny, short, tall, fat, skinny, adventurous, boring, tired, confident, wounded, healed, cautious, self-centered, kind, desperate, content, searching, cynical, other words, human. I smiled a lot, so much that my face hurt, which is a good thing, though later I realized some took my smile as a flirt when really I was just, well, entertained. I also had to lean in because it was so loud in there and I am old and hard of hearing and I was on a chair that kept rocking forward and I know that gave the wrong signal too. All in all, I must admit it was fun. And the best part? Ironically I made a few new girlfriends who were also able to find the humor in the craziness of being moms in our forties "getting" to embark on this sort of adventure that our poor married friends just don't get to experience. Sometimes you just have to laugh at what life deals you and where it takes you...

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