Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Toothless Wonders

I have realized that most things I've been judgmental of others on have come around and landed on my own shoulders, without doubt to teach me to not judge until I've walked in those shoes. And embarrassingly, I've been judgmental on a LOT of things over the years. Divorce--financial loss--unemployment--singleness--gaining weight--wayward teenagers--cult followers--renting--not having a car--not having a nice car--to mention a few. You name it, I've judged it. And without fail I've gotten the privilege to experience each and every one firsthand. And then, I don't judge it any more.

But just when I think I'm all judged out, another one rears its ugly head. My latest has been toothlessness. I see a lot of toothless people on my bus each day. Why, I've wondered, would people not just get that tooth replaced? Why would you ever leave a gaping hole where a tooth was?  Until this morning when I learned that getting a 'new' tooth will cost around $5k.

So I am joining the world of toothless wonders today. And, after a few short moments in the dentist chair, learned not to judge toothless people anymore. I know, it would've been easier to just not judge anyone on anything in the first place, but I seem to be a slow learner!

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