Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Telltale Signs Your Partner Lacks Emotional Intelligence

Valentine’s Day.

It’s just around the corner. If you’re in a love relationship that’s harmonizing quite nicely, it can be a most delightful of celebrations brimming with flowers, chocolates, kisses, and romance. But if your relationship is struggling–where you’re experiencing more misses than hits in your ability to connect–it’s a holiday that can definitely evoke more drama than dreams.

Obviously there are many factors that contribute to a struggling relationship, but one area to take a look at is your compatibility when it comes to emotional intelligence. That ability to recognize your own feelings, manage them, and tune in to your partner’s feelings, and respond appropriately, is a skill that many of us lack, yet this competence is a vital component of maintaining a healthy connection. How much emotional intelligence are you practicing with your partner? And better yet, how would he/she answer that question about you?

Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., came up with these signals that can clue you in to whether or not you, or your partner, could use some help in navigating the emotional journey that relationships are made of. Read his entire article published in here:  12 Signs Your Partner Lacks Emotional Intelligence.

Though it won’t happen overnight (and possibly not in time for Valentine’s Day 2016), be encouraged that we are capable of learning and developing emotional intelligence. Taking a self-assessment and working with a coach are some simple steps to start you in the right direction. Even if you or your partner are struggling with this one, the simple willingness to grow and change together can begin moving your relationship down that tunnel of love again.

“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” — Oscar Wilde

Friday, January 22, 2016

How to Have the Best Day of your Life

What would have to happen today (barring winning the lotto) to make this the best day of your life?

People who possess personal power believe they can set in motion the direction of their lives. If you ask them to tell you about themselves, you'll hear a lot about who they are on the inside ("I am capable", "I am creative", "I am driven by integrity", "I am able to..."), instead of defining themselves by an exterior label such as a job title. This competency is vital to successfully taking on new challenges, mastering new skills, and exercising resiliency when things don't go our way. People with strong personal power are often the movers and shakers of the world. They initiate change, stand up for what they believe, and are catalysts of carving out the life they want to live.

How is your personal power?

If you can answer a solid "yes!" to the statements below, you are well on your way down the journey of this valuable inner strength.  If you waver or have a few "no's", not to worry, but you may want to consider working with a coach to gain some traction.

1.  I am clearly aware of my strengths and weaknesses.
2.  I know what I want and am in process of going after it.
3.  I have the ability to get what I want.
4.  I can make smart decisions despite ambiguity.
5.  I feel comfortable voicing unpopular views.
6.  I will go out on a limb for what I believe is right.
7.  I am living my life just as I want.

Again, what would have to happen today to make this the best day of your life?

What is one thing you can do today to help make that happen?

"If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it."
Jonathan Winters