Thursday, August 18, 2016

Some Un-Asked-For Advice from a Divorced Person

My parents and some of my brothers are in on the spouse challenge thing this week -- what a delight to see a daily stream of my family's love and commitment to marriage, starting with my parents and filtering down through my brothers. I don't know what happened to me, haha, because I come from a long line of love.
To be completely transparent, I admit I feel a bit of chagrin each time I see someone posting about how much they love and are loved by their spouse--the flowers they got, the kisses they received, the help around the house, the anniversary trip, the financial support, the encouragement when they are down or the care when they are sick. Not seeking pity at all -- don't even go there or I'm immediately deleting your post! But there are many things you miss out on when you're divorced, and seeing the pictures from all of you and my family remind me of that.
So if you're even contemplating divorce, don't do it! (barring an abusive situation of course). You are not going to find someone better 'out there'. Just remember this tagline I so intelligently came up with: "Divorce Sucks". Make it into a bumper sticker and put it on your car if you need to beside your stick figure families holding their soccer balls. No matter how enticing it may seem, when you're fighting and disagreeing and being selfish and even hating each other in the moment, don't do it. Though you really can make the best of a divorce, move on, recreate your life and actually find joy and happiness again, withOUT your spouse, I do believe the hard work of staying together in a loving relationship trumps all.
Keep up the good work, all of you, and keep learning how to love each other better and better every day, and despite my whining, keep posting those pictures. Your love is an encouragement to us all.

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