Friday, January 12, 2018

What the world needs now

"What the World Needs Now Is Love" was a song recorded in 1965, made popular by Jackie DeShannon. The chorus lyrics are as follows:
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.
While there is no doubt in my mind that this world could use more love, I would like to propose one minor change to the words:
What the world needs now is emotional intelligence, sweet emotional intelligence,
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is emotional intelligence, sweet emotional intelligence,
No not just for some but for everyone.
Of course, it doesn't have the same ring and flow of the original, but with reports of yet another mass shooting, and violence of varying degrees from domestic fights to conflicts at the international level, can anyone disagree that this world could benefit from a little more emotional intelligence? Imagine a world where we all could be aware of our how we're feeling, whether negative or positive, and respond accordingly, managing our own behavior to have a positive impact on others? And add to that the ability to read how others are feeling, in the moment, and manage those relationships appropriately, improving competencies like communication, empathy, conflict management, teamwork & collaboration, just to name a few. Can you dream with us about what a different world this could be?
Those of you who have been trained in emotional intelligence coaching are out there helping others realize that behaviors, especially negative ones, CAN be changed, and that we can 'grow up' in our social + emotional intelligence (S+EI). I have no doubt that you are making a positive impact on the clients, teams, and organizations you are working with to make this world a better place. We thank you and applaud you for your dedicated efforts to this cause.
But it's not enough. As the lyrics of the song confirm, it's not enough for just a few to possess emotional intelligence. It's not just for's for everyone.
Help us spread awareness of the importance of S+EI and the positive impact it can have on our lives so everyone can benefit from it. Tell your friends and colleagues about it, share the articles you read about it on social media, and encourage those you know to start doing the work needed to change poor behaviors and raise our levels of S+EI. Present a workshop about it to your local Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club. Write a blog about it. Talk about it with friends over dinner. Teach your children about it. Offer to give a talk at a local school. Take an assessment with your spouse and work with a coach to improve your relationship. Share one of Daniel Goleman's books written about it with a coworker. Recommend S+EI coach training to other coaches you know, or if you haven't already, consider taking it yourself. Have a trained professional come in and speak on it at your next company luncheon. The more of us who are actively involved in raising the awareness levels around S+EI, the more people can be aware of their own and others' emotions, the more people who can start doing the work to manage behavior to create healthier, happier lives.
Sound too heavy? Maybe so. But we at the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence happen to be big fans of social + emotional intelligence and place great importance on its relevance and impact upon our world. And the more people that can help with this the better. Contact us with questions or to learn more about how you can measure your own S+EI, or about becoming a certified S+EI coach, and join in a cause that can make a difference.
No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone...

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